The Third Week in Lent

The Chill

Duane Hudson Reid

The eerie stillness of the moment

compels me to grab my mask

to go outside and see

distorted sounds absorb the streets

protruding, perverse words swarm like locusts

air pollution is toxic

liquid particles hijack streams

Non-stop bad news invokes

reminiscing of grandma rocking in her lazy boy


clutching her sore, twisted knees

watching soaps on tv

to pass the time

to occupy her mind

bound at home

with nothing to do

but chew


and wait

Smoke is rising

confused words exude

mixed signals promote fantasy

contorted, distorted politicking

feverish realities

swing low, the new strange fruit


blue tape

hand protection gloves

church online

school online

virtual reality

no contact delivery


shattered, stained-glass remains

white sheets pulled all the way up over open

eyes, closed skies

I can’t breathe


I see quarantines

jam-packed hospitals

caretakers, pushed-to-the-brim

people are sighing, alone

people are dying, alone

bodies are lying, alone

waiting for the curve to flatten

As the world turns

horror scenes spike

the Dow Jones drops

the feds can’t print enough healing

the government can’t give away enough cheese

silenced weeping, asymptomatic fears

muzzled voices wheezing

empty shelves?

empty streets?


humans wander six feet apart

haphazardly wondering

The eerie stillness of the moment

compels me to go outside to hear

listening to ancestral tongues

stiff shells

fresh, rich soil smells

lilies bloom over perishable remains

forgotten souls still hum

a timeless tune

musing on a thought

thoughts we all think

behind closed doors

we reflect


about the what

the when

the why

what if I test positive?

when will a vaccine be made?

why is this happening?

this bugs me

so I sanitize my mind

wash my hands

and chill

Duane Reid

Voorhees Township, NJ


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Crocus Blooms in Wilderness Places Copyright © 2020 by Duane Hudson Reid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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